
Hospital Preferences for Health Care Services in Selected Areas under Khulna City of Bangladesh

Shaharior Rahman Razu, Mst. Chameli Khatun, Md. Jahidul Islam


This study attempts to identify the determinants of hospital preferences for health care services in Khulna city of Bangladesh. A total of 296 respondents from slum areas living in Khulna city of Bangladesh participated in this study. Participants were selected through simple random sampling and surveyed using a semi-structured interview schedule. The association between public and private health care preferences and its socio-demographic determinants were examined through bivariate analyses (chi-square tests) in this study. Results indicate that respondents’ age, educational status, occupation, residence and monthly income were significantly associated with their health service preferences (p<.01). On the other hand, sex and religion of the respondents were found not to be linked with public-private health care preferences (p>.05).

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